Tuesday 1 November 2011

Brazil Nuts Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

We can get Brazil nuts from (surprise, surprise!) Brazil. In fact, Brazil nuts are found on the tall Bertholletia excelsa tree that is known to thrive in the South American Amazon River Basin.

Brazil nuts are actually seeds and are covered in a tough outer shell and a flesh that resembles that of an orange’s. We, however, call it a nut and therefore in the US, it is popularly called the “Brazil nut”.

These Brazil nuts taste rather “earthy” and can be bought at your local grocery stores, supermarket and health food sores.

Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts
Here are some of the Brazil Nuts Health Benefits:

  • Brazil nuts are found to contain high amounts of calories and a fair amount of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. As a matter of fact, the Brazil nut has been a staple diet of Amazonians for hundreds of years.
  • Brazil nuts have a high caloric content. 100g of these nuts provide the body 656 grams of calories. This high calorie content of Brazil nuts can be attributed to their fat content. However, Brazil nuts are rich in MUFA or mono-unsaturated fatty acids such as palmitoleic acid and oleic acid that is beneficial in lowering levels of LDL or “bad cholesterol”. MUFA also helps increase the levels of HDL or what we call “good cholesterol”. Studies have shown that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, like the Mediterranean diet, helps prevent the occurrence of coronary artery diseases and strokes.
  • Brazil nuts also contain remarkably large amounts of selenium. Selenium is one of the most important factors for anti-oxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Eating a Brazil nut or two can provide our body just enough of this element. Having enough amounts of selenium in our diet can help avoid liver cirrhosis, cancers and coronary artery diseases.
  • Brazil nuts are also the best source of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant needed for keeping the skin’s cell membranes from harmful free radicals.
  • Brazil nuts are gluten-free just like almonds and pine nuts. They are, therefore, one of the most popular ingredients used in preparing gluten-free food formulas.
  • Brazil nuts are also packed with sufficient amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate. These vitamins are found to hell cellular metabolism.
  • And lastly, Brazil nuts are found to contain sufficient levels of copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Copper is good for preventing anemia and osteoporosis while Manganese is an important antioxidant.Health Benefits of Drinking Juices Early in the MorningAlmond And Its Super Health BenefitsInformation You Need to Know About Coconut Water Health BenefitsCucumber Benefits For Healthier, Youthful and Energetic You Part-1Benefits Of Fish Oil For Fitness And Health

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