Monday 7 November 2011

Commercial Acne Remedies Vs Natural Cures

 Natural remedies for acne have come out from its comfort zone and hit the market to a great extent. Any product which has an herbal or natural tag has got an edge over prescribed medicines amongst customers psychologically. Natural remedies are cheaper and have much lesser side effects compared to other acne medications and chemicals.

It’s also known that salt contains small amounts of iodine, and since iodine is one of the known causes of acne, it is recommended to reduce the eating of salty foods. It’s recommended to avoid consuming food that contains large amounts of sugar. Food like-cakes, sweets, ice cream and especially pastries based on white flour like cookies and white bread.

There are natural derivatives which are present as the active ingredient in many herbal products. For instance, Tea tree oil is popularly known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is very effective to remove dirt and oil from the skin. Tea tree oil is either available in its concentrated from or is available as an active ingredient in products like face and body washes.

Neem is an herb and its remedial properties are in existence time immemorial. The leaves of neem has antibacterial properties and helps in eliminating bacteria from the skin and body. In the market, it is available as a dietary supplement, as a lotion, cream or soap for topical use.

-Refined Sugars: You can probably find refined sugar in your pantry or refrigerator right now. Cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, soda, mayonnaise, and salad dressing all contain refined sugar. If you can’t cut it out of your diet completely, take it in moderation please! Your skin will thank you for it.

In addition to sugar, white flour, fat, salt and milk it’s also advised to avoid large amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, which promoted acne in some people. When suffering from acne it’s advised to include fish in your diet (salmon, tuna, sardines). Fish contain important fatty acids (such as Omega-3) which are beneficial to skins health.

It’s recommended to drink high amounts of water in order to hydrate the body. When the body gets dehydrated the skin also gets dehydrated which promotes acne. You should start the day drinking 2 glasses of water and continue drinking at least 8 glasses of extra water during the day.
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