Wednesday 26 October 2011

Learning What Foods To Avoid With The Bad and Good Carbs List

The Bad and Good Carbs List
A lot of people, who are trying to lose weight, can get very confused about what good and bad carbs are. By far, one of the most puzzling thing is learning precisely what foods contain good carbs and which ones contain bad carbs.

It might actually get really tricky especially if your goal is to lose weight. This means that you should concentrate on the type of food you eat. Carb-rich foods generally include bread, vegetables, fruits and pasta. Fiber rich foods like fruits and vegetables also have plenty of carbs.
However, the carbs that you might want to avoid are “white carbs”, which are processed carbs, and can be found typically on white breads, white pasta and white anything.

But, what if all those were made from whole wheat? Then it would be much better! Whole wheat is a lot more natural and can help us lose weight more with the fiber it contains. However, it would be best to keep in mind that these are still loaded with a lot of carbs. So you can still take whole-grain breads, pasta, and yes even whole grain pizza but with moderation.

Below are foods that belong to good carbs list and are more natural and less-processed compared to other foods:

applescelerybaked beans nutsoatmealblueberries whole grains (limit your intake)
Essentially, your goal must always be to eat carbs only from fruits and vegetables because they contain fewer calories but can still benefit your health greatly. You must, however, keep your whole grain consumption at a minimum if you want to lose weight quickly.
Now, listed below are sources of bad carbs.

White breadwhite pastapizza doughmuffinscakeice creambagels
Notice anything different from the two lists? Well, any food that is sweet and filled with refined sugars and is absorbed in your body is the reason why most of us would feel jittery. These are bad carbs and are usually stored in the body as fat.

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