Tuesday 18 October 2011

Strategies For Fever Blister Relief

When an individual catches the contagious herpes simplex virus, it can result in the frequent or occasional appearance of red, painful blisters by the mouth known as cold sores or fever blisters. There isn’t really a cold sore cure that will eliminate the problem forever, as the virus, once caught, will always be present in a person’s system. However, it is possible to control the outbreaks and soothe the area whenever any cold sores do happen to appear.

First of all, it might be a good idea to be careful who you kiss. After all, it is possible to catch the herpes simplex virus from an infected person, even more so when they are having an outbreak. Make sure you restrain yourself if your partner happens to be sporting a cold sore, though it shouldn’t be too difficult considering that cold sores aren’t very pretty.

It is important to avoid catching the cold as well as any stressful circumstances which may cause you to become anxious, as these can all result in an outbreak. Being healthy and positive is the way to go to avoid getting any sores.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of getting a cold sore, it is possible to purchase lotions to treat it without prescription. These products will help soothe the area and minimize the appearance of redness and blistering but be warned that they aren’t always effective and can prove to be useless over time as your body gets too accustomed to the medicine.

Products like petroleum jelly can help to greatly soothe the infection and can also assist with faster healing time. Using petroleum jelly will also stop the spread of bacteria that is running rampant inside the sore. It has also been said that nail polish remover applied to the area can help with the healing, but we’re sure that this might be just a little bit of an uncomfortable experience considering the sting involved.

Not only are potato chips, cola and chocolate bad for your health and your shape, they can also be triggers for fever blisters. This is probably the best reason to step away from these unhealthy snacks once and for all to reap the rewards of all the benefits of cutting them out of your diet.
Speaking of waistlines, getting lots of exercise will help to keep you healthy and strengthen your immune system, which in turn will be key in preventing further outbreaks and effectively fighting any sores that do appear. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress, which we’ve already listed as a trigger for blisters.

Forget about all the gels and creams that really make your cold sores stand out even more. I know that there is a cold sore cure.

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